BHA membership runs from January to December.  Those applying for membership must be at least 18 years old.  Fees are due on 1 January, but there is a period of one month’s extension until 31 January.  For members joining after 1 July there is a reduction of 50% in all (except Associate) categories of membership.

If you would like to become a member of BHA please download and complete the membership application form here.

Annual membership fees and the one-time joining fee are as follows:

  • Students
  • Singles
  • Family
  • Associate member
  • One-time joining fee

BHA Bank Account: Deutsche Bank, IBAN: DE29 1007 0848 0337 5623 00

Associate membership is available to members who move too far away from Berlin to participate on a regular basis.  It is also offered to people who wish to join but live most of the year in another country.

Honorary Membership.  The Board can nominate honorary membership of the Association which is then approved at the next AGM. 

Current Honorary Members are:

  • Nancy Baltrusch
  • Dr. Gundula Bavendamm
  • Colonel Winfried Heinemann
  • Jill Horwitz
  • Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Anthony H. Le Tissier MBE
  • Dr. Jürgen Lillteicher
  • Alfons Schöps
  • Dr. Helmut Trotnow OBE
  • Bernd von Kostka

If you are not a member of BHA, but are interested in participating in one or more of our events, you would be very welcome to take part at a nominal cost (for certain events members have to pay a small contribution).  Please send an email to the address below if you would like to receive details of a specific event, and we will get in touch with you.

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